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Can a New Mattress Cause Back Pain?

Dr. Jordan Burns, DC, MS

Dr. Jordan Burns, DC, MS

Dr. Burns is an established authority in sleep health, combining over a decade of hands-on experience in chiropractic care with a deeply rooted knowledge of sleep science. A holder of degrees in Kinesiology, Life Sciences, Sports Science and Rehabilitation, and Chiropractic, his interdisciplinary background uniquely positions him at the intersection of wellness, ergonomics, and sleep […]

Mattress Resources
Read Time: 6 minutes

  • New Mattress Transition: Switching to a new mattress might initially cause discomfort or back pain as your body adjusts to the different support and alignment. However, this discomfort is typically temporary and improves over time.
  • Signs of Incompatibility: Signs that your new mattress might be causing back pain include persistent discomfort, lack of adjustment even after several weeks, and the worsening of pre-existing back pain, especially due to poor sleeping posture.
  • Mattress Choices: Mattresses such as memory foam, latex, innerspring, and hybrid designs can provide varying levels of support, pressure relief, and spinal alignment, offering potential solutions to alleviate back pain caused by an unsuitable mattress.

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, having the right mattress is crucial. However, what happens when you switch to a new mattress and start experiencing back pain? Is it normal, or is there something wrong with the mattress? This article will discuss the connection between a new mattress and back pain, helping you understand why this discomfort happens and what you can do about it.

Signs Your New Mattress Is Causing Back Pain

While a new mattress is generally expected to provide better sleep, it can sometimes lead to discomfort. Here are three signs that your new sleep surface might be causing your back pain:

Persistent Discomfort

Consistent back pain after switching to a new mattress suggests that it may lack the right support and comfort for your body. If the pain persists and is strongest when you wake up, it’s a sign that your current mattress might be the cause.

Lack of Adjustment Period

While it’s normal to need time to adjust to a new mattress during the transition period, if several weeks pass and you still experience back pain, it indicates that the mattress may not be suitable for you. Give yourself time to adapt, but if the pain persists without improvement, consider whether the mattress is to blame.

Pre-Existing Back Pain Worsens

If your chronic back pain worsens after getting a new mattress, especially due to poor sleeping posture, it indicates the mattress may not be compatible with your needs. A suitable mattress should support proper spinal alignment and alleviate discomfort rather than making it worse.

“It’s not uncommon for a new mattress to initially contribute to back discomfort as the body adjusts to the different support dynamics,” says Dr. Jordan Burns.

“Research indicates 1 Verified Source ScienceDirect One of the largest hubs for research studies and has published over 12 million different trusted resources. See the source that the musculoskeletal system may require several weeks to adapt to a new sleeping surface, especially if the previous mattress did not provide adequate support. This adjustment period is crucial for aligning the spine properly and can result in temporary discomfort.”

Why Does a New Mattress Cause Back Pain?

The process of switching from an old mattress to a new one takes time for your body to get used to. Your body adjusted to the unhealthy old mattress, even though it was bad for your back. The new supportive mattress may not feel as comfortable initially, but it’s better for your back in the long run.

One important feature to consider when choosing a mattress is zoned support. This means that different areas of the mattress provide varying levels of support to different parts of your body, using sleep technology such as surface modifications. This targeted support helps to align your spine properly and alleviate pressure points, reducing back pain.

Choosing the Right Mattress

The choice of mattress can greatly affect back pain. Here are some mattress options known for alleviating pressure points, ensuring correct spinal alignment, and diminishing back discomfort:

Memory Foam Mattress

Memory foam mattresses are recognized for their capacity to conform to your body’s shape, alleviating pressure points and ensuring appropriate spinal alignment. They can help reduce back pain and promote a more comfortable sleep experience.

Latex Mattress

Latex mattresses offer a supportive yet yielding surface that can provide excellent spinal alignment and alleviate back pain. The natural resilience of latex helps distribute body weight evenly, reducing pressure on the back and promoting proper spinal alignment.

Innerspring Mattress

Innerspring mattresses, especially those with a supportive coil system, can provide good back support by maintaining proper spinal alignment. The coil system aids in evenly distributing weight, alleviating pressure points, and decreasing the chance of experiencing back pain.

Hybrid Mattress

Hybrid mattresses, combined with memory foam or latex layers and supportive coils, can offer a balance of contouring support and responsiveness that can help alleviate back pain. The hybrid design provides targeted support and pressure relief, promoting spinal alignment and reducing the risk of developing or exacerbating back pain.

“The right level of support and firmness in a mattress is pivotal for spinal health,” says Dr. Burns. “A study in ‘The Lancet Neurology’ showed that mattresses with medium firmness generally provide optimal support for the back, facilitating spinal alignment and reducing the risk of morning stiffness and pain. A mattress that is too soft or firm can misalign the spine and strain the muscles, leading to back pain.”

Tips for Dealing with Back Pain from Your New Mattress

If you’re experiencing back pain from your new mattress, here are some tips to help alleviate the discomfort:

Use Additional Pillows or Cushions

Try using additional pillows or cushions for extra support. For example, placing a wedge pillow under your knees can help alleviate lower back pain if you’re a back sleeper. Experiment with different pillow placements to find what works best for you.

“While a new mattress can be a factor in back pain, it’s also important to consider other aspects of the sleep environment and habits,” says Dr. Burns.

“Proper pillow support, sleep position, and daily posture can influence back health. If back pain persists despite a high-quality, supportive mattress, a comprehensive chiropractic or healthcare professional evaluation may be necessary to address underlying issues.”

Check Your Bed Base

Ensure that your mattress is paired with a supportive bed base. A bed base that doesn’t provide adequate support can contribute to discomfort and back pain. Check if your bed frame or foundation is level and doesn’t have any dips or hollows that could cause permanent body impressions or mattress sagging.

Consider a Mattress Topper

If your new mattress feels excessively rigid, consider using a mattress topper to incorporate an additional layer of cushioning or support. This can help customize the feel of your mattress and make it more comfortable for your specific needs.

How Long Does It Take to Adjust to a New Mattress?

The time it takes to adjust to a new mattress can vary from person to person. Generally, it may take a few weeks to a couple of months for your body to get used to the new sleeping surface fully. During this time, your back muscles and spine need to adapt to the different supports and alignments provided by the new mattress.

For a smooth transition, it’s crucial to select a mattress that maintains your spine in a neutral position. This means your spine should stay in its natural curve while you sleep, with the right alignment from your head to your lower back. A mattress that provides good support and cushioning can help achieve this position.


Can a new mattress cause back pain?

Yes, a new mattress can initially cause discomfort or back pain. Sometimes, switching to a different sleep surface can strain muscles as your body adjusts. However, it’s often temporary and improves as your body gets used to the new support.

What type of mattress is best for preventing back pain?

A medium-firm mattress often provides better spinal alignment and proper support. High-quality mattresses with materials like latex foam can alleviate pressure points while supporting different sleep positions.

Do very firm mattresses help with back pain?

While some people find relief with firm mattresses, they may not suit everyone. A too firm surface might not conform well to the body, leading to poor spinal alignment and discomfort. It’s crucial to find the right balance—sometimes, a slightly softer mattress can offer better comfort.

Are mattress toppers helpful for back pain?

Mattress toppers can be beneficial, especially if your current mattress lacks proper support. For stomach sleepers or those with poor posture, adding a topper can modify the firmness level, offering better comfort without investing in a new mattress.

How can I differentiate between temporary discomfort and a wrong mattress causing chronic pain?

Temporary discomfort when transitioning to a new mattress is normal. However, if back pain persists for weeks and affects daily life, it might indicate the wrong mattress for your body. Consider factors like sleep position, the mattress’s firmness, and your body’s response to determine if a change is needed.


While it’s normal to experience some minor back pain during the initial adjustment period to a new mattress, persistent discomfort or worsening of pre-existing back pain should be taken seriously. If your new mattress is causing back pain, consider the signs mentioned in this article and evaluate whether the mattress is suitable for your needs.

Remember, choosing the right mattress is essential for a good night’s sleep and optimal spinal alignment. Take the time to research different mattress options, consider your sleeping position and preferences, and consult with a healthcare professional if necessary. With the right mattress, you can enjoy a restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and pain-free.

Harrison Wall is Sleep Junkie’s business strategist and sleep analyst. He also authors posts on bedding and mattress accessories. Harrison regularly coordinates with new mattress companies and tests their products to determine what really helps you get better rest and have brighter mornings.

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