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Harrison Wall

Business Strategist & Sleep Analyst

Sleep Writer Harrison Wall


    Harrison Wall is Sleep Junkie’s business strategist and sleep analyst. He also authors posts on bedding and mattress accessories. Harrison regularly coordinates with new mattress companies and tests their products to determine what really helps you get better rest and have brighter mornings.


    Harrison Wall started working in high school, taking a part-time job to get an early start on cultivating a deeper understanding of business matters. He’s worked many jobs since and is especially pleased with his current position as a sleep analyst and product tester.


    Other Media Mentions

    His work has been featured in BusinessNewsDaily and Tech.co.


    Harrison studied mainly business matters but supplemented his coursework with psychology and physiology classes. He became intrigued by the idea of maximizing sleep potential for more active daily living and is always interested in the latest research.

    Articles by Harrison Wall