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How to get Blood out of Sheets: A Comprehensive Guide

Mattress Resources
Read Time: 6 minutes

  • Act Quickly: Promptly addressing fresh blood stains is crucial, as the longer they sit, the harder they are to remove. Immediate action helps prevent the stain from setting in.
  • Stain Fighters: Various household items like hydrogen peroxide, meat tenderizer, white vinegar, and even cola can serve as effective stain fighters. Choosing the right one based on your sheet color and material is key to successful stain removal.
  • Drying Technique: Air-drying sheets after washing is essential to ensure that the stain is completely gone. Avoid using a dryer until you’re certain the blood stain has been successfully removed, as heat can set the stain.
  • Material Matters: Different types of sheets require different stain removal approaches. For delicate fabrics like linen, opt for gentler methods like cornstarch or baking soda, while more durable materials like microfiber may benefit from hydrogen peroxide or meat tenderizer treatments.

Blood stains on sheets can be a real nightmare to deal with. Whether it’s a nosebleed in the middle of the night or an unexpected visit from Aunt Flo, accidents happen. But fear not! We’re here to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to remove blood stains from sheets. By following these steps, you can tackle fresh and dried blood stains effectively and restore the pristine condition of your sheets.

Act Quickly to Remove Fresh Blood Stains

To effectively eliminate blood stains from sheets, it’s crucial to take prompt action. The longer the period of blood stain sits, the more difficult it becomes to remove. Here are six simple steps to help you tackle fresh blood stains on your sheets:

Step 1: Strip Your Bed Sheet

As soon as you discover a blood stain, remove the sheets from your bed promptly. This will prevent the stain from spreading to other surfaces in the laundry room or seeping deeper into the fabric.

Step 2: Rinse the Affected Area

If the blood stain is still fresh, rinse the affected area under cold running water. Avoid using hot water, as it may set the stain and increase the difficulty of removal.

Step 3: Dab the Stain

Take a cold, wet cloth and gently dab the stained region. It’s important to dab instead of rub to avoid grinding the blood further into the fabric. Once you’ve dabbed the stain, soak your sheets in cold water in a bathtub or basin for about thirty minutes.

Step 4: Use a Stain Fighter

If the stain persists after soaking, it’s time to bring out the big guns. Apply a stain remover solution to the affected area and let it sit for fifteen minutes. You can treat the stain effectively by rubbing both sides of the fabric containing the stain against each other. If you’re unsure about which stain-fighter to use, here are some recommendations:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide: This mild bleach works wonders on blood stains, especially on white sheets. Make sure to test it on a hidden section of darker sheets to avoid discoloration.
  • Meat Tenderizer: Yes, that’s right! Unsalted meat tenderizer powder can break down blood proteins and help remove stains. Make a paste by mixing the powder with water and applying it to the stain.
  • White Vinegar: Pour white vinegar directly onto the stain and let it soak for half an hour before rinsing with cold water.
  • Bleach: For white sheets, bleach can be a powerful stain remover. Dilute four tablespoons of bleach with one-fourth cup of water and apply it to the fabric for thirty to forty minutes.
  • Cola: Soak the stained region in cola for a few hours, and then rinse with cold water. The acids in cola can help lift the stain, making it easier to remove.
  • Baking Soda or Cornstarch: Create a paste using a tablespoon of baking soda or cornstarch mixed with cold water. Apply the paste to the stain, let it dry in the sun, and then remove any excess residue.

Step 5: Launder Your Sheets

Once you’ve treated and completely removed the stain, it’s time to do the laundry. Place your sheets in the washing machine and launder them using your regular detergent and a color-safe bleach if needed.

Step 6: Air-Dry Your Sheets

After washing, allow your sheets to air-dry completely. Refrain from using a dryer until the stain is entirely gone, as heat can set the stain and make removal more challenging.

Removing Dried Blood Stains

Removing dried blood stains from sheets can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Follow these three steps to tackle stubborn dried blood stains:

Step 1: Soak the Sheets Overnight

To loosen dried blood stains, soak your sheets in cold water for several hours or overnight. Consider scrubbing the stain from time to time to help break it down.

Step 2: Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is highly effective in removing dried blood stains. Apply hydrogen peroxide to the stain, observing as it bubbles up. Employ a soft-bristled brush to remove any remaining residue delicately. After about ten minutes, blot the stain with a cold, wet rag or sponge.

Step 3: Machine Wash Your Sheets

Wash your sheets in the washing machine using a mild laundry detergent and a small amount of fabric-safe bleach. You may need to repeat this process several times for stubborn stains.

Best Blood Stain Removers

Sometimes, cold water alone may not remove tough blood stains. In such cases, using a blood stain remover can be a game-changer. Here are some of the most effective solutions for tackling stubborn blood stains:

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, a gentle bleach, is highly effective in treating bloodstains and period stains, particularly on white sheets. Test it on a hidden section of darker sheets to ensure it doesn’t cause any discoloration.

Meat Tenderizer

Unsalted meat tenderizer powder can break down blood proteins and help remove stains. Sprinkle the powder onto the stain, add water, and blend until a paste forms. Allow it to sit for thirty minutes before rinsing thoroughly with cold water.

White Vinegar

Pour white vinegar directly onto the stain and let it soak for about half an hour. Rinse with cold water afterward.


Bleach is a powerful stain remover, especially for white sheets. Dilute four tablespoons of bleach with one-fourth cup of water and apply it to the fabric for thirty to forty minutes.


Believe it or not, cola can help remove blood stains from sheets. Immerse the stained area in cola for several hours, then rinse it with cold water.

Baking Soda or Cornstarch

Create a paste using a tablespoon of baking soda or cornstarch mixed with cold water. Apply the paste to the stained area region and gently dab. Let it dry in the sun and remove any excess residue.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice possesses natural bleaching properties, making it an excellent stain remover. Soak your sheet in cold water, spot-treat the stain with lemon juice, and gently scrub. Rinse with cold water and repeat the process if necessary.

Enzyme Stain Removers

Enzyme stain removers are highly effective in tackling tough protein stains, including bloodstains. Apply the enzyme stain remover to the affected area, enable it to sit for fifteen minutes, and then blot the stain with a damp sponge. Rinse with cold water and wash your sheets as usual.

Removing Blood Stains from Different Types of Sheets

Different types of sheets require different approaches when it comes to removing blood stains. Here are some important considerations for specific sheet materials:

Cotton Sheets

Cotton sheets are thin and lightweight, so avoid using harsh bleaches or enzyme stain removers. These can weaken the fabric and make it prone to tearing. Instead, opt for the baking soda or cornstarch method.

Linen Sheets

Linen sheets are delicate and require gentle treatment. Attempt using natural stain-removal solutions before turning to harsh chemicals. The cornstarch or baking soda method is recommended for linen sheets.

Bamboo Sheets

Bamboo sheets are durable yet intricate. Avoid using enzyme-based stain removers or strong bleaches on them. Instead, use a mixture of one cup of cold water and one teaspoon of salt to spot-clean stains.

Microfiber Sheets

Microfiber sheets are made from polyester and can be treated similarly to other sheet materials. However, the hydrogen peroxide method or meat tenderizer may work best for removing blood stains.

See Also: How to Identify and Deal with Mold on Mattress

FAQs about How to get blood Out of Sheets

How to get blood out of a mattress?

Here are the steps to remove dried blood:

  • Immerse the stained fabric in cold water for an hour.
  • If the stain remains, turn the cloth inside out.
  • Scrub the stain thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Flip it back and scrub the other side.
  • Wash the cloth in cold water with a natural bleach, then let it dry.

These steps also work for removing old blood stains from sheets.

Does saliva remove blood stains? 

Yes, saliva can break down bloodstains on sheets as it contains enzymes that effectively break down proteins. However, using saliva to remove stains from stained sheets isn’t very clean or hygienic.

Does rubbing alcohol clean blood stains?

Yes, it works. Here’s how:

1. Get a cloth slightly damp with rubbing alcohol.

2. Gently dab the stain with a clean cloth or a damp cloth.

3. Use a clean paper towel to blot the excess blood from the area.

4. Work in circular motions, moving from the outside of the stain towards the center.

What dissolves dried blood?

To remove blood stains from sheets, try these effective options:

– Cold water

– Ammonia

– Windex spray

– Meat tenderizer

– Table salt

– Baking soda

– Commercial spot or stain removers

What is the best stain remover for blood?

The best way to remove blood from sheets is to use cold water. It stops the blood from setting in. If the blood is fresh, soak the sheet in cold water for 30 minutes. For dried blood, cold water soaks on the sheet overnight to help remove it better.

How do you clean the blood off the mattress?

Make a paste using salt, cornstarch, and hydrogen peroxide to get dry blood stains out of a mattress. Put the paste on the stain and let it dry. Then, utilize a vacuum to remove the dried paste from the area.


Removing blood stains from sheets doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By acting quickly, using the right stain-fighting agents, and following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can restore the pristine condition of your sheets. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and handle delicate fabrics with care. With these tips, you’ll be able to tackle blood stains on any type of sheet, ensuring a clean and fresh sleeping environment.

Harrison Wall is Sleep Junkie’s business strategist and sleep analyst. He also authors posts on bedding and mattress accessories. Harrison regularly coordinates with new mattress companies and tests their products to determine what really helps you get better rest and have brighter mornings.

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