Survey Says… See What Sleep Junkie Readers Think About Sleep
- Sleep positions and their potential meanings intrigued a significant portion of readers, with a majority believing in the accuracy of the portrayed personality traits, despite a notable percentage dismissing the idea as unfounded.
- Readers expressed a clear preference for memory foam mattresses, even though innerspring mattresses currently dominate the market, potentially indicating an evolving trend in the mattress industry.
- There was a divided opinion among readers regarding the willingness to spend a substantial amount of money on a mattress, with an almost equal split between those willing to invest and those preferring to allocate their resources elsewhere.
On many of our guides and blog posts, we feature survey questions at the bottom to get an idea of what our readers think and what you all are interested in. Over the past year, we’ve learned quite a bit, and we though it might be interesting to share what fellow readers think about sleep, mattresses and other topics.
Read on to review the year’s most popular sleep survey polls and compare your responses with the trends.
Sleep Junkie’s Top Polls & Trends
Curious about how your previous poll answers stack up or simply want to see what our readers think? We’ve compiled the data on our most active polls, including info on the questions and answers and the results.
1. What does your sleep position mean?
We asked this question at the end of our article on the meaning of sleep positions, as portrayed by previous surveys and sleep/psychology experts. Though it’s not an exact science by any means, some people believe that how a person sleeps can tell you a little about their personality, or at least about how they may be feeling.
The poll was designed to see whether or not readers believed the sleep experts, and it turned it to be the most popular poll to date on Sleep Junkie with over 1,100 people responding.
The Results:
- Survey results were close. – 61%
- Absolutely nothing. – 20%
- Reflects health problems. – 12%
- Reflects mattress comfort. – 7%
The vast majority of readers said that the surveys covered in the article seemed fairly accurate, but about 1/5 thought that they didn’t really mean anything. Smaller portions of readers though sleep positions had more to do with health and mattress comfort than personality traits.
2. What type of bed do you plan on buying next?
This question was featured following our recent guide to Memorial Day mattress sales. The article compared offers and ads from top brands to help shoppers save during the holiday.
We wanted to see what type of beds prospective shoppers were most curious in, and see what types of articles and reviews people would be most interested in reading.
The Results:
- Memory Foam – 47%
- Innerspring – 38%
- Latex – 14%
- Water – 0%
Even though innerspring mattresses are estimated to account for over 80% of mattress sales, it seems like Sleep Junkie readers are much more interested in memory foam. Far more readers said they were planning on buying memory foam than springs, and a significant number also were interested in latex mattresses. Could tides be turning in the mattress market soon?
3. If you had millions, would you spend $30,000+ on a mattress?
This poll was asked on our article about celebrity bedrooms. In “How to Sleep Like The Stars,” we looked at popular trends in furniture, decor and mattresses among celebs, including details about the often pricey mattresses of the rich and famous.
We asked readers whether or not they would spend big bucks on beds if money wasn’t a factor just out of curiousity.
The Results:
- No way – think of everything else I could buy! – 53%
- Heck yes – I deserve the best! – 47%
Answers were almost split down with middle, with a little more than half of readers saying they wouldn’t spend tens of thousands on a bed, with other half saying they absolutely would. While Oprah, Madonna, Tom Cruise and George Clooney are known to sleep on pricey mattresses, we wonder how many celebrities also eschew extravagant beds in favor of more affordable ones!
4. What do you think is the best way to reduce sleep deprivation?
America’s sleep deprivation problem has been a hot topic among researchers and even the CDC, which has declared the problem an epidemic. A recent survey found that U.S. students were actually the most sleep deprived compared to 50 other countries. We covered the results of the study, and offered expert tips on improving sleep for students.
This question was asked following our article to see what readers though would be the best way of improving kid’s sleep hygiene and beating sleep deprivation.
The Results:
- Later School Start Times – 44%
- Educating Students Directly – 23%
- Educating Parents – 21%
- Take Away Electronics – 13%
- I Don’t Think It’s a Problem – 0%
By far, our readers thought the pushing back school start times was the best way to help U.S. students get more sleep. Many of you were also proponents of educating the students themselves on sleep, and equipping parents with sleep education as well. A smaller percentage thought electronics played the biggest role, while no one was unconcerned with the issue.
5. What do you notice most when you’re sleep deprived?
Another sleep-related poll, this question was asked on our article about the effects of even one night of sleep deprivation. While many of us may think that skimping on sleep once or twice per week isn’t a big deal, studies have shown that not getting enough rest actually does have noticeable effects on our health, bodies, and brains.
We wanted to see what readers thought was the most obvious sign of sleep deprivation based on our readers’ experience.
The Results:
- Impaired Concentration/Thinking – 38%
- Hunger & Cravings – 28%
- Moodiness – 14%
- Tired Appearance – 10%
- Slowed Reaction Time – 10%
For over one-third of readers, impaired mental performance was the biggest side effect of sleep deprivation, which plays a role in drowsy driving accidents and work errors. Over one-fourth said changes in appetite were most noticeable, while the remaining third cited moodiness, physical appearance and delayed reaction times.
Hope you enjoyed this insight into Sleep Junkie’s most popular reader polls. We always love to see your responses and comments, and look forward to more polls and sleep surveys!